Now that Sharon - the taskmaster is the new captain of the St. Louis dance team, things are moving along. When ReYam, Aashi and Nilesh perform for the new dancers, they are not impressed. Sharon challenges the new dancers to perform a routine right then. They dance all right, but individually. They didn't dance as a group. Sharon makes them realize that they are all dancing individually and not as group. She tells them that St. Louis is sending over a dance team and not individual performers. Sharon's attitude and authoritative nature totally worked in this situation. No one other than Sharon could have gotten through to the new dancers. Also, once again Sharon noticed when Swayam complemented Aashi for her dancing. I definitely sensed a little hint of jealousy from Sharon. Vrushika had the perfect attitude and style. She's certainly turning out to be a really good replacement for Sneha.
Sharon gets worked up during the rehearsals and triggers an asthmatic attack. She rushes to the locker room for her inhaler. I don't understand why Sharon doesn't have her inhaler with her at all times. She obviously needs it and is being very irresponsible. Anyway, Simmi happens to be in the locker room too and comes to Sharon's aid. They share an awesome bonding moment. I'm going to christen them ShImmi. They are quickly becoming the girl version of ReYam! Meanwhile, the confused lot aka the oldies, complain about all the work they have to do to prepare for their seminars. They reminisce about all the fun they had at Indiafest. Cue video montages of performances.
I'm starting to notice that Nikaf, the bboy, is starting to separate himself from the team. I have a feeling he'll give the team a pass and ReYam will have to get the old dancers on board. Wonder if he will poison the other new dancers too? It is all left to be seen...
Here's a snapshot of today's episode...
I have to add the preview for next week looks pretty exciting! I'm guessing that by the end of next week the boys and girls of St. Louis will be in Goa at the Nokia Indiafest...
Can't wait for the SwaRon romance! Finally!
Click here to check out a cute little story on Vrinda aka Taani...
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