D3: The D3 gang are back together... (September 7th, 2013)

The D3 gang make it to Aditya's press conference. They go there in disguise to see if Rey truly has forgotten them. Rey hopes that he will be able to avenge his friends and restore their faith in him. Meanwhile, Sharon and Swayam are upset with Rey and each other. Sharon stays at home while Swayam remains unreachable. Rey notices his friends and is glad to see that they came to the press conference. Aditya starts the press conference by introducing Rey to the media. Rey takes the stage and starts talking about the D3 dance team and the gang. Aditya is furious at Rey but Rey continues talking. Finally, Aditya and Mr Singh leave the press conference.

Rey introduces the D3 gang members to the media. The gang is happy to see that Rey has not forgotten them or their friendship. They forgive Rey for mistreating them and trusting Aditya so blindly. On their way out, Aditya meets all of them and tells them that they may have won for now but when they step out in the world, they will have to face each other. This worries the gang. They decide to give up dance and pursue other avenues because they don't want to lose their friendship. Rey is saddened to hear that the gang has given up dance because of what happened. He promises to bring dance back into their lives.

The next morning, the VP summons Rey and questions him about the press conference. Rey assures the VP that he did what was right. The VP informs Rey that Sharon and Swayam have tried to quit their positions. Rey is shocked to hear that. The VP also informs him that the college as a whole lacks teamwork. Rey comes up with a plan. He organizes a college trip so that the students will have an opportunity to work on team building. He secretly hopes that the trip will help mend the cracks in the D3 gang and bring Sharon and Swayam back together.Rey arranges the college trip to the same location where the Dazzlers and the Weaklings first became D3. Rey hopes that memories at the location will bring the group back together.

Sharon takes charge of the trip. The D3 gang meet at college but Swayam does not arrive on time. The bus leaves without the D3 gang as Sharon does not want their bus to be delayed any longer. When Swayam finally arrives, Sharon argues with him. Swayam tells the group that he wanted to travel separately but finally the entire group travel to the location of the college trip together.

There were quite a few gift segment videos of Shantanu and Vrushika. Here are part 2 and 3. Enjoy!

D3: The gang comes back together... (September 4th, 2013)

The D3 gang are happy to hear Rey as he speaks about them. Rey and the D3 gang hug each other as the media watches. The media asks Rey to talk about the group. Rey tells the media that the group is incomplete without Sharon and Swayam. Rey introduces Sharon as the the diva of the college and the lead dancer of D3. Later, he introduces Swayam as the brains of the group. He tells the media that Swayam is responsible for pretty much everything that the group does. Sharon watches the press conference from her house. She is in tears when she sees how Rey redeems himself in front of the team. But she cannot forget what he did to her relationship and resolves not to forgive him. She shuts of the TV and leaves. Meanwhile, Swayam stays away from everything and thinks about all that happened. He is unaware of Rey's gesture. 

After the press conference, the D3 gang hang out together after a long time. Just as the leave the college, they meet Aditya. Aditya tells them that they may have won for now, but later in life they will have to go against each other to succeed. Rey notices that the D3 gang get discouraged by Aditya's word. He decides to cheer them up and take them to his house. The D3 gang discuss what Aditya told them and decide that they will not continue dancing if it means that they will have to go against each other. They wanted to maintain their friendship over anything else. Rey is sad to see his friends so broken and resolves to do something to make things better again. He promises to bring the confidence back and bring Sharon and Swayam back to the group. 

The next morning, Sharon meets with the VP. She tells him that she can no longer fulfill her duties as a GS and would like to step down. The VP tells her that Swayam has also told him that he would like to resign from his position as the ACS. Sharon wonders if Swayam came to college but the VP tells her that Swayam contacted Aashi. Sharon is hurt to hear that Swayam is in contact with Aashi but is avoiding her.

In other news, we finally have a VruShan gift segment... 

How cute are they! Its so nice to see Shantanu and Vrushika smiling and in good spirits!

D3: Rey introduces the D3 gang to the media... (September 3rd, 2013)

Rey starts out the press conference by thanking Aditya for arranging everything. He thanks Aditya for making him understand what he was meant to be. The D3 gang can't believe that Rey is thanking Aditya. They all get upset and decide to leave the press conference as they don't want to get insulted further. Rey notices Nilesh and Vicki as they are about to leave and starts talking about himself. He tells the media about his origins as a dancer in D3. Nilesh, Vicki and the rest of the D3 gang stop in their tracks and listen to Rey as he talks about D3. Aditya and Mr Singh become furious when Rey starts talking about D3. Aditya gets on the stage and asks Rey to stop. When Rey doesn't stop talking, Aditya asks the media to leave. 

The media tell Aditya that they came to see Rey and hear more from him so he can't just end the press conference so abruptly. Mr Singh watches everything and asks Aditya to take control of the situation. When the media refuse to leave, Mr Singh walks out of the press conference. The media ask Rey to tell them more about the D3 gang and its members. Aditya watches as he loses control of Rey. He too leaves the room. Rey tells the media about what D3 means to each one of the members. He introduces each member to the media via a projector presentation. The D3 watch as Rey raves about each one of them. They get emotional as Rey restores their faith in him. Simmi and Rinni are glad to see that Rey did not leave them after all. 

Finally Rey calls all of the D3 members to come to the spotlight. They all share an emotional moment. Rey tells the media that even though they are all there, the team is incomplete without Sharon and Swayam. He tells the media more about Sharon and Swayam and apologizes to them for hurting their feelings. Meanwhile, Sharon is furious with Rey and resolves not to forgive him. Her servant tells her about the press conference and she watches it. She is glad that Rey apologized to the team for his behavior but is still upset with him for messing up her relationship. Swayam, on the other hand, thinks about his relationship with Sharon and is upset to find himself alone again. 

Will Rey be able to bring SwaRon back together? What will Rey do next? Will the D3 gang come back together after all that happened?

In other news, check out this interview of Shantanu's. He talks about the shows that he watches, the shows that he wants to be a part of and the shows that he would like to be made for the Indian audience...

In other news, Vrinda Dawda aka Taani is part of Haunted Nights and is going to be playing a negative character named Vishakha. Check out a scene from the show...

Check out a promo of the show. Vrinda looks awesome and seems to be playing her character well. Here's wishing her all the best!

You can watch full episodes of Haunted Nights on the Sahara One YouTube channel.

D3: Rey invites his friends for the press conference... (September 2nd, 2013)

Rey goes to Sharon's house to invite her for the press conference. Sharon gets upset when she sees Rey at her door. She scolds him for coming in between her and Swayam. Rey listens to her and tells her that she has to right to say anything she wants to him because she is his best friend. Sharon asks Rey that how can they be best friends if he ruined her relationship with Swayam. Before he leaves, Rey asks Sharon if she know where Swayam is. Sharon yells at him and tells him that she has no clue about Swayam's whereabouts. Rey is very hurt and feels very guilty for what happened. He vows to clear everything and set things right by hook or by crook.

The D3 gang sit in the cafeteria and talk about what they overheard. They are sad to hear that their supposed friend Rey is all set to make it big. Just then Rey appears and comes over to talk to them. One by one all of them leave. Rey stops them and tells them that since he is not welcome, he should be the one leaving. Before he leaves, he tells them that he came to invite them to the press conference. The D3 gang get upset by his gesture. The entire gang think that he wants to invite them to the press conference to show them what they missed out. They refuse to listen to him and tell him that they are not interested in coming to the press conference.

Later in the evening, the gang meet in Bharat's garage and come to the conclusion that they will not be going to Rey's press conference. But as the evening progresses, they all decide to go to see what Rey will do. They decide not to tell the others and go to the place in disguise. Amar and Bharat pretend to be cameramen, Simmi and Nilesh pretend to be DJ's, while Vicki and Rinni go as reporters. They all watch as Aditya makes the preparations and talks to the guests. Meanwhile, Rey sits in the boys locker room and thinks about what is going to happen. He sends a message to Sharon and Swayam apologizing for his actions and inviting them to the event.

Both Sharon and Swayam read his message and then promptly delete it. Aditya goes to check up of Rey and wishes him the best for the event. He tells Rey that things are almost ready. Finally Aditya gets up on stage and starts the event. He calls Rey on stage. Rey makes his way out and comes on stage. As Rey looks around the room, he notices his friends in their disguises and is happy to see them. He prepares to get his revenge. Aditya calls for the spotlight to be put on Rey. The D3 gang watch as Rey once again gets the spotlight. They are glad that they came in disguise so that no one will notice them.

What will Rey do? Will he be able to exact his revenge? How will Aditya react to Rey's actions? Will he be able to repair the damage he caused to SwaRon's relationship?

So, I found this article about VruShan and their problems! The poor couple has been plagued by illnesses and injuries. First Vrushika has chicken pox, then she got dengue. Poor girl! Later, Shantanu injured his hand while filming an intense scene where he hits his hand on a wall. Check out the article for more...