D3: Swayam notices a change in Sharon... (December 9th, 2013)

Rey is very rude to Kriya during the group project in class. After he finishes his presentation, Rey asks to sit away from Kriya. The professor obliges. Sharon notices Kriya. Swayam thinks that he should have a talk with Rey. After class she talks to Kriya and tells her not to be affected by Rey. Swayam notices a change in Sharon and wonders who different she has become. Later that evening, Nilesh checks on his fake facebook profile. He notices that he got a lot of friend requests from girls. He accepts a request from a girl named Amaira. Simmi turns out to be Amaira. She sees that Sid, Nilesh's facebook alter ego accepted her friend request.

Swayam calls Rey but Rey ignores his call. Rey thinks about how Swayam hid the fact that he was in touch with Kriya. He questions his friendship. Swayam shows up at Rey's house to talk to him and clear the air. He tells Rey that he called. Rey tells Swayam that he might have left his phone in his room. Just then his phone rings. Swayam realizes that Rey is still upset with him. He tells Rey that he didn't tell him about being in touch with Kriya because he didn't want to hurt him. Swayam tells Rey that when he decided to tell him, Taani came into his life. He wanted Rey to move on and that is why he didn't tell him about Kriya. Rey understands but asks Swayam for time to adjust.

Swayam tries to convince Rey to give Kriya a chance and work with her. He tells Rey that Kriya can help them make their dream of opening a dance academy a reality. Rey refuses to work with Kriya and tells Swayam that he cannot trust Kriya after she left him alone. He tells Swayam that he needs to rest and Swayam leaves. The next day Rey makes his way to the rehearsal hall and thinks about everything that happened since Kriya returned to St Louis. Kriya goes to rehearsal hall hoping to talk to Rey but he doesn't give her chance to speak. He tells Kriya that he will open the dance academy without her help and leaves. Kriya thinks that Rey is not just angry with her but he also hates her. She wonders how she can make him understand.

Check out the masti behind the scenes while filming that intense KriYansh confrontation in the rehearsal hall...

Shakti talks about how Kunwar always pull her legs and makes fin of her or makes her laugh when they film intense scenes together. ArSha are so cute together!

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